The AVBOB Step 12 Learning Platform - Grade 12 Exam Guides

Introducing the
learning platform

FREE and easy-to-use, CAPS-aligned Grade 12 Examination Preparation Guides for teachers and learners.


Introducing the
learning platform

FREE and easy-to-use, CAPS-aligned Grade 12 Examination Preparation Guides for teachers and learners.

The guides are available for all three Senior Certificate exam papers in each of the 11 official language subjects.

Recognising the need for support

At AVBOB, we take our commitment to our AVBOB family and the nurturing of our country’s leaders seriously. As valued members of the AVBOB family, our country’s teachers deserve our support in their task to educate learners. We recognise that Grade 12 teachers, in particular, need quality study material to help them prepare learners for their Senior Certificate exams.

Putting our brand promise into action

When we say, ‘We’re here for you®’, we mean it. That’s why we’ve collaborated with expert subject advisors to compile FREE Examination Preparation Guides.

In this way, we hope to benefit teachers and learners. We invite you to make the most of the support and advice available to you on this site.

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